The 3 Cs of the Christmas Season II

Last week, we were on this journey talking about the different emotional reactions of people in general as Christmas approaches. It could be a lot, but I have narrowed it down to three.

Today, let us look at the second C which is the conformed. It simply means to comply, which sometimes can be good, but I am looking at it from a different context. What is it about the conformed?

They are people who have felt depressed and seem to be in never ending battles- one after the other. At a point, they just let down their guards and become the poster child of defeat. Such people have no spirit in them, but toe the line and go with the flow. Wherever the currents take them, they assume that is their lot. They have a “que sera sera” attitude. They don’t look forward to this season; laughter can invoke sadness, joy brings their pain out. And, they also don’t believe in a new year, because it is the “same ol’, same ol‘ ”

One of the common features is they zone out in the midst of people. They are absent minded and talk to themselves at any given moment. People like that tend to have a very short fuse and can blow up over nothing.

How do we deal with the conformed this Christmas season? Please understand, their outbursts and temper tantrums might not be your fault. It is just a sign of internal defeat, hence the lashing out. People like that need a lot of understanding– empathy helps them; love– they need to feel special and know no matter life’s challenges, they truly matter, and bags of patience to handle their emotional rawness and pain

One of the themes of Christmas is love. Let us show love to one another. Some are difficult to love, but we can, in the spirit of Christ.

God bless all of you as you make plans to celebrate with your family and loved ones. I hope today’s post taught you something? Please I will like to read your comments and don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to this blog.

Till I come your way again…

Peace & Love

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